Power wash using 4200 psi with broom head attachment and or Power blow area to create clean surface
Chip and dig out existing cracks using crack chaser
Install cement mixture (Portland, sand and acrylics) into existing cracks
Sand cemented cracks smooth using mechanical means
Supply and install release tape and glue in place
Supply and install 24” fabric and glue in place
Sprinkle silica sand on fabric when it is still wet to add texture
Supply and install yellow fiberglass curbing around fabric and glue in place
Supply and install elastomeric crack filler to existing smaller cracks
Supply and install one coat of acrylic resurfacer with sand to repaired areas
Supply and install one coat of acrylic resurfacer with sand to entire area
Supply and install two coats of acrylic colour with sand ( 2 colours)
Layout and paint acrylic white lines to spec.

Instead of rite way repair system install fibreglass meshing on cracks